
John_William_Waterhouse_-_Magic_CircleWiccan Fundamentals: First Degree Course (culminating in 1st degree initiation):

COLS’s Wiccan Fundamentals, is an 18 month structured intensive course culminating in 1st degree initiation upon successful completion. This course includes: daily meditation practice, history of neo-paganism, comparative religious study, and student research projects. You will learn to cast and hold a strong circle, to know and call in the elements, how to construct and present powerful ritual, and how to raise the cone of power! We will work with different pantheons to broaden your knowledge and experience of Deity while creating a deep connection to Deity. Magick and spell working is emphasized using a variety of techniques. It is the nature of first degree study to present deep challenges and provide profound change in your life. Be prepared to have your world turned upside down. If you are ready to step fully into your power as a spell-working witch, then please join COLS for our Wiccan Fundamentals course, beginning Saturday, November 19th, 2016.  2nd and 3rd degree training is for coven members only.

Rites of passage:

  • Wiccaning (Presentation of newborn to the Gods and elemental spirits)
  • Moon Time (celebrating entrance into womanhood)
  • Green Manning (celebrating entrance into manhood)
  • Dedication (dedicating oneself to the study of the Craft, performed as part of our 1st degree initiation course, WF)
  • Handfasting (pagan marriage and bonding)
  • Handparting (dissolution of bonding)
  • Crossing Over (celebration of and assistance in the souls crossing over into Summerland)

Open Sabbats, Esbats and Dark Moons:

COLS Full Moon Esbats are closed, coven members only, with the exception of
rites we provide for the larger community (as indicated on the calendar).
COLS Dark Moon Esbats are open to the community and we offer two levels: one
for beginners on the pagan path and one for advanced practitioners.

See our calendar for this year’s schedule!

sageHouse cleansings, blessings and ghost busting:

Cleansing: COLS will come to your home and do a thorough energetic cleansing of every room.

This type of cleansing will remove stagnant energies, thought forms, and minor spirit infestations.

Blessings: COLS will come to your home and assist you in designing a blessing ceremony to bless, consecrate and/or seal your home. This ritual brings positive energy to the home and creates a sense of peace and calming. This rite can be done in conjunction with the house cleansing. IF COLS is not hired to do the cleansing, it is advised that the homeowner perform a thorough cleansing prior to the blessing.

Ghost busting: This service is for more serious spirit, entity, poltergeist or demonic activity. COLS will come to the home and make an assessment of what we think is going on and whether we think we can clear the space for you. Fees for this service would be on a case by case basis, and would have to include a thorough cleansing as well.

Click here for our cleansing fee schedule.